Thursday, 30 August 2012

Dear Diary,

Today I've been on MSP for most of the day because I've had nothing better to do:L
There's a new competition out! It's calld Pet World
The words are:
Soft little kitty
I will wash you
I want a puppy
I might enter!!
Good luck if you do!!
- Lottie89115 xox


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Dear Diary,

Today I've been on MSP for most of the day, seeing as the weather is awful. I can't believe it's actually the summer holidays!

I also made this blog! I will try and write on this blog everyday with diary entries. Keep checking back for updates!

I've published Part 1 of Term 3 of my Boarding School Series. So far, though, only 1 person has watched it. If you have the time, then please watch it as I put a lot of effort and time into it. As soon as 10 people have watched it I will publish part 2. You may remember my Boarding School series because it has been one of my most popular series.

That's about it really...
Oh yeah. I've been on forums a lot lately, but most of them are roleplays, and I don't really like roleplays that much, so yeah:L

- Lottie89115 xox